Menya is the Kikuyu word for knowledge. The Kikuyu are one of the oldest people groups on earth, surviving some of the harshest conditions on the planet in East Africa for centuries. Accomplishing such a feat in such a location requires establishment of security processes and innovative collaboration.
For this reason, we’ve adopted their word and symbol for knowledge and strength because it expresses what we are all about: sharing and securing your knowledge strengthen your brand.
Simply put, Menya Communications means knowledge communications. Our motto “They’ll Know” exemplifies our service, assuring your information and message are received and retained only by your intended audience.
We are a consulting firm that provides clients with state-of-the-art strategies and solutions to perfect media communications and cyber security by providing professional advising on security and market strategies.
Vehicle Joint Venture
Dayton Daily News
Company, research group aim to increase business with Wright-Patterson
Menya Communications has opened at Wright Point Office Park, bringing about six jobs from a previous location at TechTown in Dayton, said Samuel Wanderi, company president and CEO. The new office is “more strategically located closer to our customer at Wright-Patt,” he said.
Industry Panelist I recruited, thank you for participating in the Cyber Panel.
Below is a link to the FBO website containing all the slides.

Wright State University
Ademola Ikusan
Ikusan was excited by this opportunity with Menya Communications, as it would offer him the ability to work with penetration testing, audit and assessments, program development, and security awareness.
We are located at
5100 Springfield St.
Suite 520,
Riverside, OH 45431